Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Happy New Year and The Scoop On The Stockings Project (Went Great!)

A belated Happy New Year to everyone! I want to let you all know that the Christmas stockings project worked out fabulously, thanks to some wonderful last-minute helpers and contributors to whom I will be eternally grateful. I’m sorry it took me a month to post here and let you all know, but my son’s illness has kept me beyond preoccupied. Better late than never, though. Right?

I owe lots and lots of thanks to:

Athene Robben and her charming little girls, Candace and Ruby
Mike Bonkoski and his wonderful family
Lisa Wagner
Molly Weeks
Leslie Daniels

For the first time in all my 42 years, we had no Christmas at our house this year. Not at all. No tree, no decorations, no gifts, nothing. My son’s illness overtook my entire life in December – all my time and all my money. I have never had such an experience as this before. The fact that we were able to pull through with the stockings project for the homeless youth as what lifted our spirits here at home and made the season “bright” in spite of all its difficulties. Thank you so much to all who helped.

Here are a few pics...

Some really beautiful stockings that Athene and her girls made at home:

Spreading out and sorting all the "stocking stuffer stuff" at the church where we got together:

Athene and her girls personalizing some more stockings with puff paints:

Laying the painted stockings out to dry:

Gustavo (my foster son) helping carry boxes of stockings into the Tumbleweed Drop-In Center:

I asked him to let me take another picture and he had to act like a goofball:

The happy staff at the Tumbleweed Drop-In Center:

That's all the pics I got - not a lot, I know. It was a kind of crazy-busy day, though, and I just couldn't keep running around with the camera. Anyway, I just wanted to share this with all of you and thank those who helped. Absolutely, positively could not have done it without you!

That's all for now, but I must say this: Here's looking forward to a better and smoother 2011!!! Right? Please!!! LOL! :)